So you have bought the wallpaper you have been eyeing up for months and are now faced with the question of; how do I hang wallpaper?
Here are some tips and a quick walkthrough of the steps you will need to take.
As with every decorating project, preparation is key. This is arguably the most important step to achieve the best possible finish and make sure you are not left feeling disappointed!
Wall should be dry, clean and smooth before you begin.
If the walls are already wallpapered, you will need to strip this off. Depending on how this has been hung before it may peel off or you may need to strip the paper from the wall.
Once the paper has been removed, or if you began with painted walls then you should now roughen the surface slightly using sandpaper or sugar soap. At this stage, if there are any imperfections in the wall, these should be fixed using filler and allowed to dry. Once the filler has dried, you should lightly sand over the spot again.
If the walls have recently been freshly plastered they should ideally be primed before wallpaper is hung and left to dry. You can do this by watering down the wallpaper adhesive/paste or sizing solution which will soak into the wall and act as a base.
Walls can also be cross lined using a good quality lining paper, but lining should be allowed to dry out completely before hanging the wall covering.
Firstly, you need to check whether the wallpaper you have is paste the wall or paste the paper.
All the wallpaper sold at Jardell Hill Design is paste the wall for easy hanging, so I will outline the steps below for this method. No pasting tables needed!
For the adhesive/paste, you should use a good quality, preferably solvent free one that is specifically for paste the wall non-woven paper. The paste should be evenly applied directly on the wall to an area slightly bigger than the width of the paper. Use a large brush for easier application and to save time. Once you have pasted a section of the wall, you can position the length of wallpaper on the wall.
Only hang one length at a time.
Once up, use a clean cloth or a decorators brush to smooth out the wall covering. You should work outwards from the centre to the edges to get rid of any air bubbles, without putting too much pressure!
Try to let no paste come into contact with the surface of the wallpaper as paste can damage the surface. Should you get any paste on the paper, clean it as quickly as possible whilst it is still wet by dabbing it with a clean, damp cloth or sponge. This should minimise any reaction and prevent the paste marking the surface of the wallpaper.
Repeat the process until you have finished the wall and then stand back and admire your work (and the beautiful paper)!
You can browse all the wallpaper that we have available here - Each design is hand-drawn by Jardell from her Edinburgh studio.
Please note that these are guidelines only and we would always recommend getting a professional to hang the wallpaper.